Friday, May 29, 2020

From Acclaimed Recording Artist to Top Flight Recruiter Erik Simins Hits All the Right Notes When it Comes to Career Success Building Your Future Now

From Acclaimed Recording Artist to Top Flight Recruiter Erik Simins Hits All the Right Notes When it Comes to Career Success Building Your Future Now Erik Simins has built a career on an ability to learn, persevere and succeed. He has been a top tier sales professional in the pharmaceutical sector, a popular singer/song writer, a top-billing recruiter and a serial entrepreneur. The underlying success has been Simins focus on achieving his goals despite many harah lessons he has faced being in several ultra competitive industries such as recruitment and music. However, before becoming the CEO of his own recruitment firm, Simins was an entertainer gaining momentum with his smooth vocals, charismatic style and strong song writing ability. He was initially given a nudge by an instructor to pursue music professional but it wasnt until a chance encounter with a local producer that things started falling into place One night I was at the gym, it was right before close so no one was there. I was singing because the acoustics were amazing and out pops a man from around the corner and asked me if I was singing. Simins notes. We producer and owned a record company. I eventually went into the studio with him and that was my introduction to the world of studio recording. Erik Simins on the set of the Parents House music video Although Simins first recording experience wasnt a memorable one, he nevertheless used it as an opportunity to pursue his love for singing and songwriting. Although he started to gain momentum, Simins still worked as a successful sales professional in the pharmaceutical sector. And despite his sales success and earning a degree in Kinesiology, his desire to launch into a career in music eventually was just too great. I ended up meeting more people during the process and digging deeper in the industry. I eventually got paired up with Adam Messinger. He was probably the most talented producer in our country. I was very lucky to catch him before he headed down to the States. Simins explains, He has won a grammy and written for superstars like Christina Aguilera and Justin Bieber. Simins ended up recording a well-received debut album called Do Not Disturb yielding several radio hits including Parents House. But as Simins continued deeper into his music career he realized it was something he wasnt fully committed to. The music industry certainly isnt for everyone. I have an addictive personality. I went all-in in all elements in the industry and it really beat me up. I realized I couldnt do this in a sustained amount of time. Simins continues, And when I was out gigging there were guys that were like 10 to 15 years my senior that were making 100 or 200 dollars a night. And before I got into music I was making six figures in the pharmaseutial industry. I realized I couldnt do this forever. I dont love it enough. It was at that point Simins decided it was time to move on and get back into sales. He connected with several recruiters in order to help him get a position. Three out of four recruiment firms I worked with said I had the science background and the selling skills to do well as a recruiter. At first I wasnt too interested in it, but then they showed me their pay cheques; I thought to myself I can do this and do really well. Thats when I decided to go into recrutiment instead of medical sales. Erik Simins with his MAGNUS team Simins exceptional people skills and solid sales ability quickly made him one of the standouts at the recruitment firm. I worked for one recruitment firm for 5 years and I always wanted to be partners. I was always ambitious. There were a couple of things they asked me to do and I did them and then some. I achieved a lot at that firm like billing $100,000 in one month and I was top billing recruiter for 3 years. I did everything they asked in order to be a partner. Simins notes, And when it was time they asked me to put a business plan together for us. It took me a couple of months and the plan was for me to create any entirely new division at the firm. It was a really good deal for them and they are probably still kicking themselves for not taking it. At that point I decided to start my Magmus Personnel. Simins quickly grew his new company into a market player in recruitment. He explains, You see a vision and until that vision is realized nothing stops you from getting there. And in our second year we did $2 million and grew new offices. Erik Simins with investors in Toyko With his company thriving, Simins did what any entrepreneur would do: he started a new venture. So in 2017 he hired a replacement CEO for MAGNUS and started a new company called BlockAble. The company was focused on blockchain and cryptocurrency. When we did the first rise of the capital to fund the company we had 5 asks and we got 4 yeses. It was an incredibly easy time to raise money if you had a Blockchain application. And the market at that time was insane. People were raising money for things that didnt exist. So there were a lot of scammers out there, but we were a legimate business and we went to market. What a ride that was! We raised about a million in capital and went out to raise more. I think I did 9 countries in about 3 months. I travelled to Toyko. Singapore. Puerto Rico. All over the US. Dubai. All over the Middle East to raise money for our utility token. However by February 2018 there was a clamp down in the ability to raise capital and Simins company ended giving back some of that money back that they had raised. I learned a lot about raising that type of capital however we needed a business model that was going to appease existing commercial enterprise clients. Simins continues, We pivoted our business and changed our technologywe went into a more commerical/business application centric model and we have been building on that for the last year or so. Erik Simins at Conference Media Night in 2018 The technology that Simins company deals gives it a way to verify a resumes information and to keep in secure in order to avoid any tempering. Our goal over time has been to make this the new gold standard in respect to what a resume has on it. A resume now is just has self-proclaimed information and there is no verification of that information. And this technology provides another level of verification and authencity on the resume. Now the claims and background are all verified and is avaiable to the employers through our secure portal. Simins diverse career has now spanned several decades. He has always been a high sales performer and brought that competitive fire to the music game. He continues to turn the recruitment industry on its head with his out-of-the-box concepts. As Simins explains, You have to develop new skills during the entire process in running and building a business. You have to have a real thirst for learning and a real passion to continue to improve yourself. I have always been a proponent of throwing yourself into the fire and getting burned. Simins notes, Its then just scrapping off the chard and moving forward. I can tell you there are easier ways to go through life, but I have always chosen the paths that I believe will make me stronger and seasonedand they have all led to opportunities beyond my wildest dreams. Erik Simins is CEO and founder of MAGNUS Personnel, as well as BlockAble. You can reach him through his website at: Images courtesy of Erik Simins

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