Sunday, July 26, 2020

Ep 197 - How to Lead Remote Workers - Workology

Ep 197 - How to Lead Remote Workers - Workology Help Your Leaders Be Intentional in Their Team Engagement On today’s podcast, I’d like to talk about how we as HR leaders can set the standard for our companies on communication and workflow for remote employees. In its 2019 Future Workforce Report, freelancing website Upwork reports that nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of companies today have remote workers and 2 out of 5 full-time employees will be working remotely in the next three years. While increased adoption of remote work is making it easier for companies to find the talent they need over half (52%) of hiring managers that work at companies with work-from-home policies believe hiring has become easier in the past year educating our hiring managers on working with remote teams effectively hasn’t necessarily kept pace with these numbers. In today’s show, we’re going to talk specifics about what HR leaders can do to give managers the tools and training they need to lead remote teams. This podcast is sponsored by ClearCompany. Ep 198: How to Lead Remote Workers (@HRBrainforHire) I’m joined today by Delmar Johnson with HR Brain for HR. One of the biggest challenges for managers today is managing and also leading employees. Our workforce has changed dramatically over the last 5-7 years especially when it comes to the number of remote workers. Delmar who has worked in HR as a practitioner for many years and now as an HR consultant has seen the shift too. She was a remote worker herself in corporate and has the unique perspective that I wanted to really tap into. Help Your Leaders Be Intentional in Their Team Engagement I asked Delmar about what is the best way for leaders to keep remote employees and team members engaged. Its such a challenge especially if you are the only remote worker on your team when the rest of them are working in the office on a regular basis. She says that the key is for the leader to be intentional. She says that scheduling time and working hard to include all remote workers in conversations, meetings, trainings, and also making time for that relationship building is critical to keeping your remote workers feeling part of the team. When that trust and communication with remote workers is established, they feel more valued. These are the two key factors in all things in business. You know, you want to keep them. - @hrbrainforhire #remoteworkers #podcast Click To Tweet As far as tools to make this happen, Delmar recommends technology to be a driving factor in helping you achieve this with video technology like Zoom, Slack, and other messaging platforms to help allow for communciation and relationship building. On my team we are mostly all remote. We have a group of international team members too. Whats App has been a great technology to help keep our team connected. I love it because its free and we are going where our employees are already spending their time. Sort of like text messaging peers to check in versus sending them an email where they might overlook your conversation or miss a critical communciation. The Importance of Expectations for All Employees Including Remote Workers One of the other challenges when you have a dispersed or remote team is managing their productivity and performance levels. Delmar says that setting expectations from the beginning is critical to ensure that employees understand what they need to do in order to get the job done. And ongoing she says that we, as leaders should be checking in with those employees giving them feedback and being direct and honest with them if they arent meeting performance expectations. If we are talking by phone or over the screen it can be a challenge because we cant read each others body language. So be open and up front if someone has missed the mark. Talk with them, be clear, and have them put together a plan of action of how they are going to go about meeting productivity or performance levels. Conclusion Understanding that hiring and employing a dispersed workforce is the new normal is critical to making a significant shift in how we work with remote employees and candidates, and how we make those experiences as seamless and productive as possible. Remote work has become a vital part of a company’s operations and I’m glad to have had the opportunity to get advice from Delmar Johnson as a leader in this space. Thank you for joining the Workology Podcast sponsored by ClearCompany This podcast is for the disruptive workplace leader who’s tired of the status quo. This is Jessica Miller-Merrell. Until next time, visit to listen to all our episodes of the Workology podcast. Connect with Delmar Johnson. RECOMMENDED RESOURCES How to Manage, Hire and Lead Your Remote Workforce Flexibility Stigma: How Bias Against Remote Work Causes Overwork Remote Workers Have Labor Law Posting Requirements Upwork Future of Work Study How to Subscribe to the Workology Podcast Stitcher | PocketCast | iTunes | Podcast RSS | Google Play | YouTube | TuneIn Find out how to be a guest on the Workology Podcast.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Great stuff goin on - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Incredible stuff goin on - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog Since I discharged my book an insignificant fourteen days prior an insane measure of incredible stuff has occurred. Here are a portion of my top picks: My blog is currently one of the universes top-20 business online journals as indicated by Technorati. Liz Strauss named me both a SOB (Successful and Outstanding Blogger) and a 1 out of a million blogger (Thanks Liz and expresses gratitude toward Ann for considering me). Ive been reached by an organization who makes the executives preparing recordings about creation a video about satisfaction at work. Ive been reached about talking at the biggest preparing gathering in Romania Sick be doing a meeting with Penelope Trunk who expounds on new business thoughts for the Boston Globe. The surveys for my book are as yet coming in are still overwhelmingly positive. I had the option to part with 100 duplicates of my book in only 20 hours. I was reached by the editorial manager of a Lithuanian business pamphlet about reproducing one of my posts. One of my posts was converted into Chinese. Sick be conversing with an American speakers authority about making some talk gigs in the US. My blog was acknowledged into the 9rules blogging system. I was met for a digital broadcast by Andrew of jobacle. Itll be up on January 7. The entirety of this and more in only fourteen days. Things are nearly happening too rapidly now. I LOVE it! A debt of gratitude is in order for visiting my blog. In case you're new here, you should look at this rundown of my 10 most famous articles. Furthermore, on the off chance that you need increasingly extraordinary tips and thoughts you should look at our pamphlet about satisfaction at work. It's extraordinary and it's free :- )Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Deans List Resume - How to Fill Out a Successful Resume Using a Deans List Resume Template

Dean's List Resume - How to Fill Out a Successful Resume Using a Dean's List Resume TemplateWhen I use the term Dean's List Resume, I mean one that has the dean's name in the title and is an exact match to the curriculum vitae template. The text should be clear, concise, and complete. It is a different way of filling out a resume. There are other different ways, but this is an example of what I mean.A Dean's List Resume uses the template as a guide to describe a person's abilities, achievements, or other traits that make them an ideal candidate for the job. It's not an exact match to the curriculum vitae but it does illustrate what the person is looking for. So if the curriculum vitae has all of your education covered, then a Dean's List Resume only has the name and specialization of the school and not the details of the education you have completed. There are many colleges and universities out there, so each will have a different curriculum.Each of the schools listed is represented on a Dean's List Resume as part of the curriculum. This means that the person listed is one of the individuals involved in evaluating the curriculum. This is why the Dean's List Resume is a great way to get started when filling out a resume.Most professors will have more than one curriculum that is required for their class. The Dean's List Resume is your quick and easy way to discover what that specific curriculum is and what it entails. Even if your college doesn't have a specific course that requires it, it will be easier to figure it out after reading through the Dean's List Resume.When you are looking through the Dean's List Resume, it's important to understand that they have many resources available to help. They will provide you with the curriculum and be happy to answer any questions you may have. They will also be able to tell you if there are specific skills or licenses required for the position you are applying for. If you have been unsuccessful in locating this informatio n, they can tell you if they cannot fulfill the requirement.Students who are looking for employment after finishing their undergraduate degree will find the Dean's List Resume an invaluable resource. The websites and programs available will make it easy to fill out the application, write a compelling cover letter, and then apply for the job. As mentioned before, they will also have many resources available for finding the faculty and classes that match up with your career goals. Again, they will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the requirements of the positions you are trying to fill.If you have taken courses that are not listed on the Dean's List Resume, it can sometimes be difficult to find the information you need. The website will list all of the programs that are required for that specific curriculum. It will also give you the general curriculum as well as the specific requirements of each course. This will make it easy to find the courses you need to go back and complete.So if you have a curriculum vitae in front of you are interested in getting a job at an exceptional college or university, the Dean's List Resume is a quick and easy way to find what you are looking for. All of the schools listed will be included, even if they don't meet the requirements that you want. Simply scan through the list and see what fits best for you and then apply!

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Professional Executive Resume Writing and LinkedIn Writing Service

Professional Executive Resume Writing and LinkedIn Writing Service March 25, 2019 By Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter, Master Resume Writer Leave a CommentHow to Combat Digital Noise + Add Value jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#googleplus-before-9497').sharrre({ share: { googlePlus: true }, urlCurl: '', enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup('googlePlus'); } }); $('#facebook-before-9497').sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: '', enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup('facebook'); } }); $('#twitter-before-9497').sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: '', enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup('twitter'); } }); $('#pinterest-before-9497').sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: '', enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: '', description: 'How to Combat Digital Noise + Add Value' } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup('pinterest'); } }); $('#linkedin-before-9497').sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: '', enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup('linkedin'); } }); $('#stumbleupon-before-9497').sharrre({ share: { stumbleupon: true }, urlCurl: '', enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup('stumbleupon'); } }); on colleagues or other business partners blog posts or status updates is engaging. As well, commenting on content from new people whose insights genuinely appeal to you is intuitive. Moreover, cultivating relationships with strategic contacts through positive, meaningful engagement on their content, adds value.5. Instagram Strategy //  If you are new to this social networking channel, begin following interesting people and companies. Gather ideas on content and hash-tagging strategies that appeal to you. Begin mirroring those strategies in your own stream. Hire a creative collaborator with whom to brainstorm and build your content and image designs. I partner with artist and Instagram strategist @SusanHenselArt.  This  ensures I have a consistent blend of professional and personal postings in my Instagram stream.6.  Twitter Strategy // Twitter gets a bad rap for being politically divisive; however, the business and career content-sharing opportunities on this robust channel abound. Capitalizing on the lists feature will help you to stream the content most valuable to you. You can also follow lists others have compiled. For example, Ive created a list of recruiters as well as a list for my executive connections. By reciprocating with your own quality articles, blog posts and images, you can build a following that will appreciate your value.7. Facebook Strategy // I have written on Glassdoor about how recruiters use Facebook to network with and source candidates. For example, they connect to professional and industry-specific groups; as well, they publish professional pages on which they post current opportunities. Moreover, you can exude your professional value and persona through a well-developed and strategic profile, enabling recruiters to find you. Complement this with meaningful status updates and posts. Check out these two articles, here and here.8. Executive Resume //  Whether you are in search mode or happily engaged at your current company, having a mo dern, digital resume at-the-ready is crucial. You never know when someone in or out of your digital and social network will witness your value in-action and want to know more. Whether it be an executive recruiter, hiring decision maker, board member or future client, you must be prepared to share your executive resume story with them at any time.9. Final thoughts //  It may seem overwhelming when trying to combat digital noise. Knowing which social networking, digital channels and strategies to leverage can be confusing. Keep in mind that its about quality over quantity, as well as consistent interaction. As well, its about trial and error and being nimble. The digital world of executive career search and entrepreneurial marketing is vast and ever-changing. This enables you to be a maverick, ideating and creating some of the rules as you go.I am a master  resume writer  with 20 years’ experience in the resume writing trenches. No insta-resume service here. I built my story from gr ound up, living and breathing resumes, full time, self-supporting, and not as a side gig. My clients hire me for the highly consultative, thoughtful approach to resume writing. Contact me at to discuss how I can help shape the stories (executive resume, bio, LinkedIn, elevator pitch, etc.) that will accompany you through your next career evolvement.Image credit: Unsplash