Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Does Your Resume Pass the Five-Minute Test

Does Your Resume Pass the Five-Minute TestDoes Your Resume Pass the Five-Minute TestDoes Your Resume Pass the Five-Minute Test?Recently we received some feedback from a Human Resources person who was selecting resumes for a Senior Executive Service (SES) position. herbei job was to make the second cut and find the 25 best applicants out of 125. The amount of time she spent on each 15+ page SES application package was no more than five minutes.The HR person said that the 25 applications she picked were easily identified by their outstanding accomplishments, easy-to-read documentation, and obvious matches between past experience and this position.Can your resume pass the five-minute test? Can the reader very quickly see how you are one of the best candidates for the position? Do you demonstrate your qualification for the job in the first glance?Here are some top tips to help your resume make the cutKnock Down the Big BlocksThe big block resume- with a single long paragraph for each wor k experience section- originated with Resumix, which was a computer-read resume system. But Resumix is GONE, and the big blocks should be too, because they are unfriendly to humans. Read this article to see why big blocks are an ineffective format.Avoid Death by BulletsBullets are admittedly better than big blocks, but the reader still has to try to find the skills in your resume, and this is to be avoided at all cost. Read this article to find out why the Outline Format is an even better format to use.Dont Revisit Ancient Historyelend aya which jobs to include in your resume? Follow this rule of thumb recent and relevant. Recent means within the last 10 years. Relevant means that there is some connection to the skills and competencies required by the vacancy announcement. Any jobs that are too old or irrelevant will only slow the reviewer down.Do Show OffI personally love to read the accomplishments in a resume. Most resumes just have a boring list of duties, which is necessary, bu t tell me how much money you saved, or how you overcame difficult communications with a particularly demanding supervisor, and I will keep reading with interest. I will also determine that you are more qualified than the next person who didnt list any accomplishments in his or her resume. So, brag away.Do Match the Keywords Every TimeThis tip is perhaps the hardest to convince the federal jobseeker to do, because it is time consuming. However, it is absolutely critical to the success of your job search. Find five to seven keywords in the vacancy announcement, and USE THESE in your resume as headers in the outline format and use the paragraphs to support the headers (see a sample outline format resume).Still Not Sure How to Improve Your Resume?Take the next five minutes and contact us for a free estimate. We would be happy to look at your resume and give you a quote for our world-class services.You can also view some outstanding resume samples in the Federal Resume Guidebook to help you get started on improving your resume today.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Your online image

Your online imageYour online imageMake sure your online image helps, not hurts, your job search. It used to be that employers only had resumes, cover letters, and interviews to go by when making hiring decisions. That changed with increased use of the Internet and social networking. Many employers check profiles on popular online sites before making interviewing and hiring decisions. And someposted material can leave employers wondering what schrift of employee you would be. This includes Inappropriate photos, such as photos of you and your friends drinking or wearing inappropriate clothes Inappropriate comments by your friends - remember you can delete comments under your photos Discussions about alcohol or drug use Talking poorly about previous employers Discriminatory comments, for instance, using slang terms for racial or ethnic minorities Lying about qualifications Sharing confidential information about past, current, or prospective employers You r online identity can help or hurt you. If an employer is considering you seriously enough to research you online, make sure that your own words or photographs dont come back to haunt you. Do an online search of your name to see what information and/or images of you come up. This will help you catch potential red flags. Clean up your online identity. Dont list personal information or post comments, photos, or videos that you wouldnt want an employer to see. Think of everything you put online as public information. Remove any swear words, gripes about old employers, or discriminatory comments. Create a professional online identity. Join LinkedIn and other online professional groups that are related to your career or industry. Ask someone to recommend you on LinkedIn. Create an online portfolio using work samples to market yourself. Blog about your professional interests. Be choosy about who you friend. Your profile may be squeaky clean, but make sure you dont suffer fr om guilt by association. Check your grammar, spelling, and writing. Many employers reject job applicants because they show poor communication skills. Consider your online presence as partee of your portfolio. Read through any of your postings to catch errors.Improve interviews by preparing answers to common interview questions. Get ready for interviews with common questions, questions to ask the employer, and illegal interview questions. Common interview questions Tell me about yourself. Why are you interested in working for this company? Tell me about your education. Why have you chosen this particular field? Describe your best/worst boss. In a job, what interests you most/least? What is your major weakness? Give an example of how you solved a problem in the past. What are your strengths? How do others describe you? What do you consider your best accomplishment in your last job? Where do you see yourself in three years? Think about something you consider a failure in your life, and tell me why you think it happened. How do you think you will fit into this operation? If you were hired, what ideas/talents could you contribute to the punkt or our company? Give an example where you showed leadership and initiative. Give an example of when you were able to contribute to a team project. What have you done to develop or change in the last few years? Do you have any questions for me? Questions to ask the employer What are the responsibilities and accountabilities of this position? How well is the position defined? Can its duties be expanded? Please describe an average day on this job. What is the history of the position? Why is it vacant? What aspects of this job would you like to see performed better? What are the key challenges or problems of this position? Where can I go from here, assuming that I meet/exceed the job responsibilities? How would you describe the i deal candidate? What are the employers short- and long-range objectives? What are some outside influences that affect company growth? Where does the company excel? What are its limitations? When and how will I be evaluated? What are the performance standards? With whom would I be working? Who would be my supervisor? Who would I supervise? What is the departments environment like? When will you make the hiring decision? May I call you for the decision? When is a good time? Illegal questions What is or was your spouses name or line of work? Have you ever filed a Workers Compensation claim or been injured on the job? Do you have any physical conditions that would prevent you from performing the job? Have you ever been arrested? What is your hair/eye color? What is your height/weight? Have you ever been hospitalized? If so, for what condition? Have you ever been treated by a psychiatrist or psychologist? If so, for w hat condition? How many days were you absent from work because of illness last year? Are you taking any prescribed drugs? Have you ever been treated for drug addiction or alcoholism? Source Creative Job Search, a publication of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.Why network?Networking is a key part of job hunting. All it means is talking to others- either formally or informally- about your job search and career goals. Networking facts It is not the same as asking for a job. Usually your networking contacts will not be potential employers. It helps you learn inside information about jobs that are being created. It lets you tap into the hidden network- the many jobs that are never advertised. Its helpful for ongoing professional and personal development. An employer who is not hiring today may be looking for someone like you tomorrow. Before you begin networking, be clear about your job search goals. Think about what yo u want to say to others about yourself, and what you want to know from them. What kind(s) of job(s) are you looking for? What skills and experience prepared you for these jobs? Are you focused on a particular industry? Do you want to find a job at a particular company? Do you want to look for jobs in one local area? Next steps are to develop your elevator speech and make your contact list.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

3 Questions Thatll Help You Define Real Success- The Muse

3 Questions Thatll Help You Define Real Success- The Muse3 Questions Thatll Help You Define Real Success- The MuseGetting a raise, being promoted, landing a sought-after job Most of us equate these milestones with success. And while these achievements are cause for celebration, theyre not the only way to judge your career. Real, lasting success stems from identifying what fulfills you fruchtwein, and then allowing those things to influence your daily work and future career decisions. I know that sounds like a challenging task, but you can get started today by asking yourself three clarifying questions.1. What Are My Values When it Comes to Work?Its easy for days, weeks, and even months to fly by when youre consumed by the day-to-day pressures of your job. But, thats how people end up spending years in a career path that they arent quite sure is right for them.Its essential that you put aside time to think about the bigger picture where you are, what you find fulfilling, and where you want to be. Is your work challenging? Do you appreciate an environment that celebrates risk-taking? Do you want more opportunities to flex your creative muscles? Answering these questions requires a lot of self-reflection. But, taking the time to tackle these topics can help you discover more about yourself and your long-term goals. Itll help you zero in on how you define success, so you move toward achieving it.For example, it could be that youre not making as much money as someone you know in a similar role at a different company, but they feel like their days are filled with mundane tasks and youre given many more opportunities to grow and learn and pursue projects that interest you. 2. Whose Career Do I Admire?The answer might be a family member, a friend, or a former colleague. It doesnt need to be an influencer or even someone in your direct line of work. (Though, its OK if it is)Think about someone who inspires you, and ask yourself why you consider that person to be success ful. Is it because of the industry they work in? The amount of travel they get to do? Or, maybe its because of the impact they have on peoples lives? Maybe you know someone who you see as a real trailblazer in her field. Shes constantly taking risks and innovating, and as a result asked to participate in pretty cool opportunities. Once youre able to pinpoint the elements of her career that you love, you can allow those characteristics to inform your own path. Whats more, dont be afraid to use that person as a resource and a mentor. Reaching out for advice and confiding in someone about your ambitions can be intimidating, but remember that people want to help and see you succeed. Having someone to talk to as you work toward your goals makes staying focused and navigating the ups and downs of your career path seem a whole lot more manageable.If youre unsure how to go about that, here are the secrets to turning someone you admire into a real-life mentor3. What Impact Do I Want to Have? Many people want to do meaningful work, but are held back by a one-dimensional view of what that means. For example, you might initially think that this only applies to people who work at nonprofits.But there are lots of ways to make a difference. For example, it could be that youre most engaged when youre designing useful products, or motivating a team, or working directly with customers. To feel impactful in your work, hone in on specific areas within your organization, field, or community in which youd like to see change happen- and allow that to influence your goals, both in the short and long-term. Change will not come overnight, but identifying how youd like to leave your mark, and working toward that leads to professional fulfillment. Answering these three questions may seem like a tall order, so start small. Grab a notebook (or start a new note in your phone) as your go-to place for when inspiration strikes. When you feel energized about something, jot it down. When you meet someone who impresses you, scribble their name and what you learned. Continue this process- observe, reflect, repeat- until your own goals become clearer. Once they do, youll have a well-researched jumping off point for how you want to pursue career success.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

4 office protocol tips to follow for Valentines Day, from experts

4 office protocol tips to follow for Valentines Day, from experts4 office protocol tips to follow for Valentines Day, from expertsSince Valentines Day falls on a weekday this year, common-sense rules of professionalism should be followed at work. Interacting with coworkers should be like any other day. Experts recommend to keep things low-key and act as if its any other Thursday.Dont give gifts or cardsNot only is giving cards or gifts to co-workers unprofessional for Valentines Day, its not appropriate, says Rachel Wagner, a geschftliches miteinander etiquette and protocol expert.This can send the wrong message and cause awkwardness when you meet in the hallway or break room, she says.Dont engage in Valentines Day undertonesWagner says Valentines Day does not give anyone license to flirt with coworkers and possibly convey misunderstanding and mixed signals On the same note, avoid giving compliments that convey the wrong message, like, You look really nice in that dress. Instead, kee p the compliments professional, Ashley, I appreciate how you ran the meeting today. One acceptable compliment, however, is to acknowledge the gifts that others received from spouses/significant others that might be displayed on their desk, such as flowers, Wagner says.Keep gestures general and genericEveryone can share the love by taking in treats for the entire department or team.Great items to share include heart-shaped cookies, a homemade cherry coffee cake, brownies, bagels with strawberry cream cheese or a box of chocolates, suggest Wagner.Everyone will appreciate your thoughtfulness even if they dont indulge.Keep your Valentines Day plans privateDiscussions of personal life and relationship status, hot dates, etc are also not appropriate for work, says Lew Bayer, CEO Civility Experts.Im not sure what the equivalent of a Christmas Scrooge is but whatever it is, I highly recommend being that at work, at least from 9-5 on Valentines Day.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

How Working Less Made Me More Productive - The Muse

How Working Less Made Me More Productive - The MuseHow Working Less Made Me More Productive Five weeks into dating Vijay, fear crept up on me. Not so much about the relationship itself, but about how I welches going to manage my job on top of it. I was locked into a routine centered on working after hours and answering emails every night. Now, suddenly, my evenings were with him. How was I going to make up for leaving work earlier? Would my output and impact plummet?What I discovered surprised me. My work didnt suffer at all. In fact, my team thrived, and my manager praised what she saw as a positive shift. Working less had actually made me more effective, as well as happier. I had a better attitude and a clearer head. Rather than working longer hours out of habit, I was becoming more aware of what I needed to do to be effective, and more thoughtful about when to sprint, and when to ease off. I learned, and am still learning, three big, important lessons from that experience1. Attitu des Are ContagiousWhen I was teaching fourth grade, one of my mentors told me to embrace the maxim, You are the weather. If I showed up in a bad mood, Id reisepass it along to my students and have a room full of grouchy kids on my hands. The same principle applies to my interactions as a manager- if Im exhausted and snappy, it doesnt take long for my team to catch the negativity bug. When I started working less, I was able to bring more joy and enthusiasm to the office, and I saw that reflected in my team. I realized that, as a leader, its my responsibility to show up in the best way I can so everyone else does, too- which means giving myself time to rest and recharge.2. Important Decisions Require Breathing RoomI make a lot of decisions over the course of a day. Should we hire this person? Should we launch this feature? How do we handle this upset customer? Those choices require me to step back and look at the big picture, to listen patiently and carefully to stakeholders, and to o bjectively consider everyones input before making a call. When I was stuck in the pattern of working constantly, I could easily sachverhalt into panic mode and execute something too quickly. Once I started giving myself some downtime, I was able to make smarter choices. And the change had a ripple effect Because my team saw me reacting calmly to tricky situations, they were able to stay grounded and make better decisions, too. One of my reports recently told me that she looks to me in crisis moments in the same way that she looks to a flight attendant in a plane traveling through turbulence. Because I seem cool and collected, she doesnt panic. If I were scrambling, shed assume we were going down. That comment was a good reminder of the importance of giving myself the space I need to think through things. 3. Work Needs Life to Be SuccessfulIn our career-oriented culture, we often think of work-life balance as a zero sum game The more you add to life, the more you take away from work, and vice versa. But our lives arent so neatly compartmentalized. If you want to show up at work as a well-grounded, relaxed, and focused colleague, you need to do the things in the rest of your life that make you a grounded, relaxed, and focused person. Maybe that means taking a weekend away once a month, spending an hour reading in a coffee shop every evening, or signing off from all technology by 9 PM.The important thing to remember is that taking time off isnt an indulgence- sometimes, its the most responsible, professional, and productive thing you can do. Oh, and in case youre wondering what happened with Vijay- we just celebrated our first wedding anniversary with a vacation.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Key to Successful Resume Trends 2018

The Key to Successful Resume Trends 2018 The Debate Over Resume Trends 2018 In case you have any big employment gaps, you might need to supply a concise explanation. Furthermore, a resume that isnt ATS-compliant is not likely to ever be selected as a match, no matter the candidates actual qualifications for a job. If you make a work application, your resume needs to pass a string of screening stages. Referees If youre prepared to provide hiring manager with references, dont hesitate to add. Your cv ought to be clear concise complete and updated with current employment and educational info. If you wish to stand out, the resume must be ideal. Employers want individuals who would fit in their office culture. An employer should just provide you with a job and you may show that youre the greatest in your region. The History of Resume Trends 2018 Refuted Applicants that have an expert blog or website have the ability to show examples of their projects and services to possible employers. Quite simply, it caters to the requirements of students and job applicants from several nations. Screening out the high risk candidates isnt as tough as it appears. It is not hard to go on the internet and schliff a number of nature and job assessment tools. Even more, resume isnt a book and you have to place only the fruchtwein relevant information at the same page. The absolute most hard step here is to determine which resume format is suitable for you. You should understand, that resume format is critical, as it can boost your odds to get invited for an interview. A good deal of present resume formats are available online it is simple to choose the one that is appropriate for your style. If youre looking to construct your career, then look at becoming a speaker at a health conference. New emerging resume trends Twitter resumes If you are in possession of a big Twitter presence and need to make an application for a business with a huge presence on Twitter you ought to look at sending your resume and job application in 140 characters or fewer. The current resume trends 2019 can help you raise your odds of being hired. The current resume trends 2018 can help you raise your odds of being hired. Introducing Resume Trends 2018 The option is right your decision Once youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to know how to vary the usage of action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a potent accomplishment statement. You have the choice to leave everything else out. Choosing Resume Trends 2018 Is Simple In some instances, youre supposed to rely on latest resume trends. Some resume trends are useless while some can make or break your work search Some resume trends might be silly, but others are amazingly valuable take some time to learn the difference. It can be definitely really hard to compose a perfect resume by following the most recent trends. There are two primary trends in 2016. There is just on e thing, which every work seeker have to find a new job. Watch for what people are searching for in an applicant, especially in regards to skills and experience. Its cool that youre searching for a job to have some money, but you need some difficulties with resume. When youre working at your existing job youre not stressed, seems like everything goes smooth and with no troubles. Sure, employers are interested in finding candidates that possess the skills listed in a certain job posting. Job applicants are finally realizing theyre able to enhance their odds of finding the interview call should they hire a writer to finish or increase their resume. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Resume Trends 2018 Furthermore, be certain that the keywords are well spread throughout your resume to be able to be a whole lot more effective. Therefore, be sure that your resume is full of industry-specific key phrases and terminology. If you wish to have the perfect resume form at 2018 you will locate the solution here, with various recommendations and the ideal search phrases to generate your resume look a great deal better and be more efficient. You may use creative resume formats if youre looking to create effective networking resumes. Top Choices of Resume Trends 2018 Make certain that your resume looks professional. You may want to create 3-5 unique styles of your resume to fit distinctive jobs. Study the 3 major resume formats and choose which will best showcase your accomplishments. Show which you are with a resume that has the capability to highlight your accomplishments and achievements. Employing unusual section headers rather than the normal abilities, work history, and education headers may also confuse an ATS. Besides implementing the resume 2018 trends in your CV, you also have to have the ability to write employing the most recent format. By having an expert service who really understand all of the most current 2018 resume trends help you, it provides you extra time to concentrate on different parts of the application like your cover letter or private statement. New formats You might also want to consider resume format trends 2018 in making your application.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Quit Waiting If Your Boss Doesn#8217;t Recognize Your Work, Find a New Boss

Quit Waiting If Your Boss Doesn8217t Recognize Your Work, Find a New Boss Todays job market is tough. If youre trying to find a new job or get a promotion at your current job, you can probably relate. One of the most frustrating things, if not the most frustrating, is when your current babo is overlooking you.Perhaps the boss has created a new role that would be perfect for you. Youve been with the organization for five years, and this job is a step up from what youre doing today. Youre committed to the company and plan to be there for a while maybe even until retirement. The new role is an obvious progression for you but your boss doesnt see it. Instead, they are too busy scouring the earth for the perfect candidate when the best person is right under their nose And even after youve pitched your idea, they arent interested.Ihave to be honest I dont have much patience for this waiting game. If youre good at what you do and youre doing your best, it s time to consider moving on if your boss is unwilling or unable to recognize you. The exact reason why this is happening isnt the most important thing. Rather than try to fix a broken situation, why not refocus your energy? If this boss doesnt appreciate you, there is most likely someone else out there who will. Why not try to find them?The truth is, many companies dont value their existing employees as much as we all wish they would. The high turnover companies experience could contribute to this. The competitive environment were in doesnt help, either. The companies arent all to blame, but it doesnt really help you as an individual either way. Why not try to find a company and a boss that values their employees?I know it can be hard, especially if you were planning to stay at a company for the long haul. Switching companies can feel like a failure. It can feel like a loss a big one.But think of how you might feel if you did find a better situation, a better boss, and a better co mpany. Ive never met someone who has made a positive switch and then said, Man, if only Id deckenfries around a little longer to see if I could have gotten my boss to like me Instead, each person says, Im so glad I made that change or Wow I wish Id had the courage to change jobs sooner. I dont know why I waited so long.I get it. Changing companies wasnt in your plan but neither was waiting to be told youre good enough. Let me put it this way If switching companies also meant more money and a better title, would you give it a shot? You will never know until you try.A version of this article originally appeared in the Memphis Daily News.Angela Copeland is a career coach and CEO at her firm,Copeland Coaching.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

3 Job Seeker Tips for Protecting Your Online Reputation

3 Job Seeker Tips for Protecting Your Online Reputation3 Job Seeker Tips for Protecting Your Online Reputation3 Job Seeker Tips for Protecting Your Online ReputationTodays guest post is written by Anthony Kirlew (pictured), author ofThe Internet Marketing Guide for Small Business. He has founded three online marketing firms and served in various corporate roles such as Search Engine Marketing Director and Web Marketing Manager. Anthony also operates his own blog, oldschoolseo.com.Its common today for savvy employers and recruiters to do a web search on a prospective employee as part of a hintergrund check. I recall an interview a few years back when a hiring manager asked me about my involvement in the real estate business as well as a network marketing company Id been affiliated withdetails I hadnt mentioned in my resume. As I answered his questions (knowing he already had the answers), I thought This guy has really done his homework. That interview taught me the importance of onlin e reputation management.For those who are not aware, online reputation management simply means monitoring what is said online about you, and ensuring that only positive attributes can be found in the search engines. As it relates to your job search, its critical that you know what the search engines will reveal about you before you submit your resume or contact a recruiter. For example, if you enjoy the party scene and youve got pictures on Facebook that everyone but your mother can see, the hiring manager may learn a bit mora about you than youd prefer. Or maybe youre a blogger and you express political or religious viewpoints that are controversial or opposite those of the hiring manager.There are many similar scenarios and they absolutely affect hiring decisions. We know hiring managers are not supposed to be biased, but lets be real.Here are three tips to help you monitor and manage your online reputationGoogle Yourself. If you have not set up a Google Alert for your name, do it . This is a free service from Google that alerts you any time it indexes content that includes your name. This way, if theres anything questionable out there, youll know quickly and can respond accordingly. Visit Google Alerts to register.Keep Your Personal Accounts Private. One of the most basic things you can do to keep your personal life away from the search engines is to make sure your social media profiles (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, MySpace) are set to private. (In Facebook, for example, you can check your privacy settings by clicking Account, then Privacy Settings.) This way, only people you authorize will be able to see your photos and posts.Create a Separate Online Profile for Career Purposes. Consider setting up social media profiles that highlight only your job history, professional accomplishments, and career goals. I recommend that every job seeker create a profile on LinkedIn, the largest professional social networking site, which is highly respected by hiring managers. In fact, many recruiters and hiring managers routinely look for candidates on LinkedIn. I also strongly recommend that you do industry-related writing on trusted sites in plus-rechnen to posting your resume online and creating social media profiles.However, there are two circumstances you may not be able to overcome with this strategy When you have the same name as someone who has done something unethical or criminal and when you have done something unethical or criminal. Either way, upfront communication is the key. Its often easy to overcome a case of mistaken identity by highlighting what that person does and some facts that distinguish you, such as age and industry. If the problem is an incident from your own past, again, be up front about it. Let the employer know what happened and the circumstances surrounding it. Most of all, emphasize that you have learned a valuable lesson and that it was a catalyst for personal change.So, what are you waiting for? See what the web has to s ay about you Then, make sure that anyone else who searches your name can see only what you want them to see.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

This 20-something is on her way to becoming a FIRE Millennial

This 20-something is on her way to becoming a FIRE MillennialThis 20-something is on her way to becoming a FIRE MillennialImagine being able to retire and do whatever you want with your life by the age of 35. Thats what Gwen, 28, originally had in mind when she became a parte of the FIRE movement.FIRE means financially independent, retire earlyand is a popular trend among millennials who want more out of life than 40-hour work weeks and stacks of bills.Its all about freedom andflexibility, she told Swirled. By having all of this money saved up, Im able to take risks and chances that other millennials arent able to because Im not tied down to anything. Im not beholden to anybody.Gwen, who asked that her last name not be shared for privacy reasons, is the founder of the blogFiery Millennialsand co-host of the podcastFIRE Drill Podcast. When she first began her focus on becoming a FIRE millennial in 2012, Gwen lived in Illinois. Her Midwest schauplatz coupled with a good salary and lack of student loans and other debt made saving money easy. However, it welches another financial blog that ended up putting her on track for FIRE.Learning About FIREIve always been pretty good with money, Gwen said. I was very blessed to have parents that were financially savvy. So they taught me to not put more on leistungspunkt cards than I could pay off, get short loans and low interest rates and pay those off quickly, and to pay with cash as much as you can. I had a good foundation, but then I foundMr. Money Mustaches blog. My mind was blown because this was a path that was clearly laid out for me to follow.Gwen knew from the get-go that she didnt want to work in an office for 40 years. She was lucky to find full-time employment right after graduation, but still craved the freedom and flexibility of a college students lifestyle and schedule. She just wanted it with more money.Becoming A FIRE MillennialSaving money was the first step, but Gwen realized she needed to be deliberate w ith the way she spent her money, too.This helped her see a path to becoming a FIRE millennial.I was fortunate enough to be debt free in college, Gwen said. I bought my car in cash, which I am still driving. Instead of paying $250 to $300 per month in a car payment, Im able to sock that away instead.I abfluged out with a three-bedroom house for $900, which in the Midwest is a bit much. And then each subsequent place that I moved was a little smaller and a little less, until finally, I ended up buying a house. And that house is special because it wasnt just for living in, it was a money-maker. I lived in one unit and rented out the other two. And so my housing costs were negligible because I didnt spend any money toward housing at all. Being deliberate about my spending and lifestyle choices really helped me get ahead.Advice For Others Looking To Join The FIRE MovementBecoming a FIRE millennial isnt for everyone, but it can definitely allow for freedom and flexibility earlier in life. And while saving a lot of money is great, so is living a quality life while doing it.If someone feels like they dont have enough money and theyre unhappy because they cant go out and do anything, then they might be saving too much and they need to back off a little bit, Gwen said. It should feel on the bbuchungline of uncomfortable, but if youre unhappy with the way your lifestyle is then you need to cut back a little bit because theres no use in saving a bunch of money to be miserable. You need to enjoy your life while youre saving.The amount of money that youre comfortable saving is going to be different from the person next to you. However, if you can get into the habit of stashing that cash away before you even see it, youll forget that its even there. Gwen did this and forgot what her full paycheck even looked like.Beyond straight-up saving money from your paycheck, Gwen also suggested that millennials look to hack their experiences, like when they travel.I started travel-hack ing by getting credit cards with bonuses, she said. I would travel to places where I could stay with somebody and reduce my costs even lower. It really helped when I went to Australia and the whole trip cost me about $3,000. I was able to stay for free with people I knew. And I am more than happy to return the favor.Actually Knowing What You Need To RetireBesides working hard to save more money than ever before, its also important to know what youll need to retire early and live comfortably. Gwen realized that she wasnt able to live comfortably on a freelancers budget after a few years and returned to a full-time job by the start of 2019 to accelerate her path to becoming a FIRE millennial.When I started out, it was with the knowledge that I didnt want to work for 40 years, she said. But Ive kind of relaxed a little bit. I started out thinking that Ill be retired by the age of 35 with saving, like, $600,000 because Id need, like, $25,000 per year to live. But I realized that I didnt like spending that little bit of money and that Id need to save up more in order to be comfortable in my retirement. I dont have a date or an age in mind anymore because I dont exactly know what I need. But I know that if I can save up as much money as I can, eventually Ill get to a point where I can step back and live off of my investments.Though Gwen may not reach FIRE by the time shes 35, shes still on track to retire earlier than her peers may be. By saving money before spending, hacking her expenses and being deliberate about her spending, shell be able to live the life shes always wanted, both now in her 20s and later on when she does finally retire early.By following Gwens example, you too can start making your way toward an early retirement. And even if the FIRE movement isnt right for you, youre sure to feel fierce in your finances before you know it.This article was originally published on Thrive.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How To Work Around That Lazy, No-Good Co-Worker

How To Work Around That Lazy, No-Good Co-WorkerHow To Work Around That Lazy, No-Good Co-WorkerYou and yur team are working on a major project, and the deadline is quickly sneaking up. For the most part, things are trucking along just fine- with the exception of that one co-worker.You know the one Im talking about, right? He puts in the bare minimum (if youre lucky), doesnt pull his own weight, and just generally makes this group project all the more groan-worthy. Its even worse if hes a straight-up obstructionist who wont let anything go past him unless he can take credit for it.Put simply, youre sick of the fact that hes skating by without sharing the load equally with you and your other team members. But, every time you think about what steps you could take to resolve the situation, you arent aya what to do.Screaming at him would be satisfying, but probably would only make things worse. And, immediately running to your babo? Youd run the risk of looking like a major tattletale.So, what do you do? How can you handle that co-worker that isnt doing his job? Heres the lowdown from some experts.1. Assume pure intentionsOne big mistake people tend to make in this situation is to assume that the slacker co-worker is aware of his or her behaviors, warns Leila Bulling Towne, Executive Coach with The Bulling Towne Group.You have to first assume that he or she is not aware- that he or she isnt purposely trying to avoid work.By assuming the best- instead of going in there with guns blazing- youll be able to approach the situation in a more positive light and ultimately get to the root of the problem.You never know, there may be a backstory to what is occurring, adds Melissa Davies, Executive Coach and author of How Not to Act Like a BLEEP at Work.Making assumptions about why someone isnt contributing effectively can get people in trouble2. Have a one-on-one conversationYou might be tempted to fire off an angry email. However, as with any other personal or serious workpla ce conversations, chatting in person or over the phone is always better.Additionally, its important that you make this a one-on-one conversation (rather than a discussion in a team meeting), so that co-worker doesnt feel as if he or she is being attacked by your entire team. When speaking, make sure to stay calm and use as little emotion as possible. Remember, you are gathering information, says Bulling Towne. It is too soon to make a judgement.3. Use I languageWhen having a conversation with a colleague about any sensitive subject, its important to take responsibility for the conversation, explains HR technology and people management expert, John Crowley.In other words, dont use phrases like, other people have noticed or somebody thinks youre XYZ.Instead, you should tactfully explain what youve noticed firsthand- in this case, a lack of contribution. When doing so, its also important that you start the majority of your sentences using I, rather than pointing fingers.Bulling Towne r ecommends using an approach like this oneI am going over the details for this project, and I want to ensure that we can accomplish it on time. I think it would be useful for us to list the tasks each of us are responsible for. How does that sound?4. Ask questionsYoull notice that the above statement ends with a question- a tactic thats recommended to make it clear that you arent just doling out demands.Davies suggests asking something like, How do you see the quality of our ability to work together? How are things going for you?When you hear what your colleague has to say, then you can respond yourself using the I language mentioned previously.Ending your own suggestions and thoughts with a question like, How does that sound? (take note, thats quite different than a closed-ended question like, sound good?) will drive the point home that youre looking to have a collaborative discussion- rather than strictly reprimand him or her.5. Follow upOne direct conversation with your co-worker doesnt immediately guarantee that the behavior will change. That can take some time. If you continue to feel like youre left holding the bulk of the work, you need to have another discussion.This time- instead of leaving all emotion out of it- Bulling Towne recommends incorporating some of your feelings for extra impact. This could be done with a statement likeWhen we last discussed this project, we agreed upon deadlines. Now those deadlines have passed, and I am waiting for your work. I am worried we wont deliver on time.Extra credit When should you approach your boss?If youve had three conversations with that problem colleague and things still remain unchanged, its probably time to loop in a superior. Bring a manager or coach onboard if the employee obviously knows that they arent putting in their fair share of work, but remains unwilling to make an effort to change, shares Crowley.When you do approach your boss about the situation, share high-level overview of what youve already tried and how- theres no need to overwhelm him or her with details and documentation.You are using we language in this situation, explains Bulling Towne. Your goal is to emphasize how this is impacting your entire team and the quality of your work- and not just you personally. For example, youd express a concern to your boss like, Im concerned that we wont deliver on time.If you are asking your boss for help and guidance in handling the situation, make sure you make that explicitly clear. I frequently hear complaints from people that their supervisors dont help them, Bulling Towne shares, When we dig into the conversation, I learn that people are not asking for help. They are assuming that when they vent or complain, a boss reads that as a call for help.Remember, before running to your boss at all, you need to give that co-worker adequate time or opportunity to make a change. If you havent gone to your colleague to have a discussion, then you should not be going over their head to y our boss, warns Davies.Will a lazy co-worker ever change?With all of that time and effort invested into that lazy colleague of yours, its understandable that this question would plague you. But, rest assured, people truly can change- as long as the circumstances are right.If they are not contributing because they dont understand something- or even if they dont realize that they arent pulling their weight- then absolutely says Crowley, All you need to do is show them what to do, or gently point out what needs to change. They may even thank you for itBut, if your colleague is completely disengaged with his or her work or has deeper issues with your employer? Encouraging change is going to be much more difficult.In those situations, its important to remember Bulling Townes advice Realize that you can influence others, yet you cannot control their behavior and actions.So, do your best to change things. However, when it starts to seem completely fruitless? Take a deep breath and focus on your own work. Youll be much better off.